Witherite on Calcite Mahoning #1 Mine, Cave-In-Rock, Illinois. Ex. Dr. Steve Chamberlain Collection #6263. Prev. Neal and Chris Pfaff. This outstanding small cabinet specimen is composed of single terminated witherite crystals which are white in color, have a medium luster and are very translucent. The grouping is approximately 10 pseudohexagonal twinned crystals which are in parallel growth on a small section of calcite matrix. The calcite crystals protruding from this matrix are a very light yellow color and very thin and tapered. This piece fluoresces a reddish white in S.W. U.V. and has a very strong phosphoresce, as well. The witherites are up to 2.8 cm each and the calcites up to 2 cm. The dimensions are 5.3 x 4.1 x 3.9 cm. There are a couple tiny rubs on the witherite. A fine specimen which is more displayable than most. This specimen is an outstanding example of this rare carbonate mineral from Cave-In-Rock, IL. A very displayable and desirable specimen in all regards. 295$
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SKU: GD-0753
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