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Field Collecting Projects

Rose Road Occurrence

2020 Update


The Rose Road Wollastonite Occurrence is a fee site run by the LaPlatney family.   Their home is near the enterance to the property.  All visitations to the locality should be arranged with Richy LaPlatney.  The site has two primary collecting areas; the Wollastonite Skarn Zone and the Purple Diopside Mound.  The two locations are approximately 100 meters apart on a steep wooded ridge.  I have not worked this location in several years so this information is slightly outdated.  Do not consider it permission to visit this locality.  A series of articles is now in press with Rocks & Minerals magazine.  It is a comprehensive description of the localities history and minerals, and is the best, most up-to-date source of information on the location.  


Below are some examples of the minerals found at the locality.  Many occur as exceptionally fine crystals and rare pseudomorphs.  All of these are very fine examples.











                  Diopside                                                Titanite                                            Albite (var. Antiperthite)hn

                Fluroapatite                                             Scapolite                               Diopside pseudo. after Wollastonite

Many specimens from this locality are fluorescent.  Here are some examples...

Phlogopite pseudomorph after scapolite

Scapolite and corundum

Diopside (var. Violan)



Albite (var. Antiperthite)


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