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Herkimer Diamond Dumbbell Scepter   Treasure Mountain Mine, Little Falls, New York.  This is a one of a kind specimen….it is a dumbbell which I repaired under the guidance of mine manager, Chris Phetteplace.  He found this in a pocket but was unable to keep it assembled.  When you see it you will understand why.  It has a piece of anthraxolite in between the two parts of the crystal which separated the two halves entirely.  The caps and riders are very clear yet highly skeletal.  The stem is deep black and very well exposed for over 3 cm in the base.  It measures 6.5 cm overall and is damage- free but restored (reassembled) to its original appearance.  Please note:  I will not mail this specimen!  It must be picked up form me in person at a show.  I do not trust this one to be handled by the Postal Service.  It is stable but would be difficult to repair if damaged.    A great and unusual specimen.  925$

Quartz (variety Herkimer Diamond Dumbbell Scepter)

SKU: 1170
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