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Grossular and Diopside    York River Skarn Zone, near Bancroft, Ontario, Canada.  Collected by Michael Walter, 1999.  This example is from my father’s collection.  He specialized in TN and miniature sized specimens that we personally collected.  This was what he believed to be the finest recovered over several seasons of intense collection in that size range.  It measures 5.5 x 4.6 cx 3.8 cm.  It is dominated by one large crystal that has great color, excellent translucence (with small transparent areas), and attractive stepped faces.  It has attached prismatic, forest green diopside crystals on most of its surfaces, as seen in the images.  It is free of damage except on the base where it should sit for display.  Exceptional in all regards for this locality.  $450

Grossular and Diopside

SKU: GD-0738
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