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Fluorapatite on Tremolite    Hall Farm, Gouverneur, St. Lawrence, County, New York.  Collected by Michael Walter, May 12-13, 2022.  This specimen was found along with approximately 30 others in a thin vein from a once lost locality mentioned in a mid-1980s USGS paper by Brown.  At that time only tremolite was mentioned being known at the locality, so the fluorapatite is a new species associated with the rediscovery of the locality.  The piece is 4.8 x 3.9 x 2.2 in overall size with crystals to 1.5 cm each.  The translucent fluorapatites are both singly and doubly-terminated with only one having damage.  Other than that crystal the piece is free of damage.  An unusual fine and a rather nice example of fluorapatite for St. Lawrence County.  $300

Fluorapatite on Tremolite

SKU: GD-1605   

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